So I am trying to use this blog more for an outlet for my feelings and not on my family blog, don't want to scare too many people. At least if you come to this blog you kinda know what it is all about. (If not look to the right side of the page...) I have moved several posts over here from my other blog so feel free to scroll down after this one and catch up.
Anyways all my life I have wanted to be in better shape. Back in high school I would mention to friends that I wanted to start working out and I would always get the same response, "are you kidding me? you are already skinny you don't need to work out!". Which yes, I was blessed to be very skinny back then but it wasn't just about loosing weight. It was to be a healthier, happier person. So after a while that got stuck in my head and I thought of working out only for really overweight people or body builders. As mentioned in a previous post, in the past year I have finally come to see working out as something for the mind and body. At this point in my life I am also trying really hard to get rid of baby fat but it is more 50/50. I do it to loose weight but also to be happy. I feel so much less stress and sadness when I have been to the gym. Not that everything in the world is ok, but my little corner is a little easier to handle. It is amazing how good it feels to push your body to the limit and feel those great endorphines running through me. I can just tune out all my problems for a little while and focus on this amazing body the Lord has given me and make the most out of it.
I was teaching my group of girls from church the other day the importance of taking care of our bodies. I compared our bodies to a car. You wouldn't think it was ok to never take care of your car and then complain when it didn't work well right? If you want something to work the way it was intended, you need to take care of it!
I can say without a doubt that I am currently in the best shape and the happiest I have been in my life. Will it always be this way? Probably not. But I have come so far and know how to deal with things so much better than in the past. When I get down, I don't hold things in any more but talk to someone close. I also don't turn to junk food to sooth my feelings, working out it much better! I know without a doubt that my family and my church are the two things that make me the happiest. There have been times in the recent past where I have lost sight of that and turned to things that only provide temporary happiness. I am so much stronger now, after coming through those trials and will not make those mistakes again. Funny how when you almost loose the things most important to you is when you really see how important they were.
Anyways, this turned out more rambling then I meant, but I hope to maybe inspire one person out there to turn towards working out to help themselves. Not that other things don't work, but this works so well too! And no excuses that you are a busy mom! There is always a way to fit some working out in, and it is so important to take care of your self before others. Take care!
Lindsey I;m so happy that things are going so well for you. You are a fighter and you've worked so hard to get to this place. Savor it and keep at it so that you continue to feel this great. We cannot wait to see you!!!!!