Friday, October 21, 2011

So I have been going through a lot of changes that will hopefully be for the better. Talking to both my doctor and my therapist we came to the conclusion that my depression is most likely due to a hormonal imbalance that started with my first pregnancy. Before that I never had problems, but since then I have. I guess sometimes if you stay on medication and don't need it, then it can cause depression like symptoms. Does that make any sense? So since I have been learning such great tools to help me be a happier person, exercise being the most important, we decided to try to get off the meds and let my body start balancing out hormones and get back to normal. Well the first few days were HORRIBLE. I didn't pick the best time to start so that was my fault. I had company staying with me, Dave was gone at drill and I was on my period. Yeah bad timing! While trying to adjust I was very irritable and emotional. I also felt sick and lightheaded a lot. But after those first few days I have been feeling a lot better. I have to keep up on taking care of myself or I go back to feeling bad. But I have learned lots of things to help myself. Like I said before, I have to exercise just about everyday. I also have learned to be more patient with myself. I am not perfect but neither is anyone else, so I have to stop comparing myself. Positive thinking like that really helps. Since going off my medication I have noticed health things that used to bother me have gone away or gotten better, apparently they were side affects. I am not having as many headaches for one, and lets just say I like spending a lot more time alone with my hubby. Yeah I just said it, get over it! Anyways I am keep close track of my mood in case this doesn't work, but I am really hoping it will because I want to take more control of my happiness and not just rely on a pill forever. Not saying there is ANYTHING wrong with that, trust me I have been doing it for many years. I, personally, just am at a place were I might not need it anymore.

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome! Wishing you the best - it is so nice not to feel dependent on drugs. Glad to hear things are going better for you :)
