Thursday, April 18, 2013

Food allergy diet for my life

Originally posted on family blog, 12/11/12

Has anyone ever had to try a food allergy diet? Where you cut everything out except really bland food and then slowly add things back in and see what works and what doesn't? Well I am starting something like that in my life now but instead of food it is just things in my life like Facebook, Pinterest, activities, volunteering etc. Cutting everything out except basics like family, church, school. Then I will slowly add somethings back in and cut others out. Just trying to get back to what is most important in my life. While there are many things that aren't bad, they just can take up too much time and distract from what I really need to focus on.

This decision came due to some major trials I am going through right now which I won't go into but it really opened my eyes and has helped me a lot. I have let myself get too busy trying to volunteer with too many things. Between church, kids school, army stuff and other random things I was worn out. While these are all good things, I was just doing too many. Then you add on me going back to school and just being a mom it was crazy! No wonder I am always so tired! (Well that plus my annoying Celiacs which causes major fatigue) While trying to do all of these "good" things I wasn't spending as much time playing with the kids, reading my scriptures, doing family activities etc. So I have cut back everything I can which has been really hard. Especially helping out with the army, that is probably my favorite thing to do and it was really hard to give it up. Maybe someday I can get back into it but not now, I have to focus on myself and my family first. Maybe when I am a stronger person and can handle it.

Another problem I have is always seeing things better on the other side, like the whole grass is greener thing. My entire life I have always viewed someone else's life as better or I would finally be happy if things were different in my life. I have a very hard time seeing the blessings in my life and being content. I always wanted nothing more than being a stay at home mom and then lately I have found myself being so unhappy doing it. Seeing other friends out working and doing fun exiting things sounded so much better than my life. I lost sight of how wonderful it is that I have three beautiful healthy children and we are able to get by without me having to work. I am able to raise them and see them everyday. They think I am the coolest person in the world right now and I need to take advantage of that while it last. I have so many years ahead of me when they are grown that I can go back to work, or travel or so many other things! And yes, maybe I don't live a fairy tale life or a have a picture perfect marriage but it is wonderful and special in so many ways. I have an amazing husband who loves me more than anything and would do anything for me. I have my super cute kids who love to cuddle and play with me. So while I am up to my ears in dishes and laundry and deaf from the screaming, I will do my best to remember how blessed I am and stop wishing my life were any different.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of an elimination diet for your life! That's such a great idea!! It's so important to focus on your family and the things that are important to YOU. Good for you! - Jess (
