Thursday, September 15, 2011

Who am I?

Today during therapy I was trying to figure out the question, "Who am I?" My normal response is that I am a wife and mother. But take away those things and what is left? ...................................

I really couldn't think of what there was after that. Not that those things aren't great, believe me! But I think so many moms, my self included, tend to loose ourselves when we have kids. We get so caught up in taking care of everyone else that we forget about our selves. And not just taking care of ours selves like showering, eating, etc., but also doing things we enjoy. Still keeping up on being our own person. Does that make sense?

What are my likes and dislikes?, what kind of person am I? What are my goals after the kids are grown up?

I don't want to wake up one day, realize the kids are grown up and gone and see that I have no idea who I am and what I want to do.

So one of my goals right now is trying to answer the question of who I am. Lets hope I find something.....

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